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The diety of Christianity is God. He has been called different names, including Jehovah, Immanuel, and others. According the the Holy Bible, the spiritual text that contains the majority of what we know about God and all anyone needs to know about their life, God has revealed Himself in three ways. There is God the Father, or God as He revealed Himself from when He created the world and its inhabitants (including their subsequent choice to abandon God and all the problems that have arisen since then) to when He ultimately led ancient Israel to the Promised Land. There is God the Son, more commonly known as Jesus Christ, who was God in flesh- the only time God physically took on a body and walked the Earth during a time of spiritual deadness to bring the completion of God plan to atone for the wrongdoings of all. And there is God the Spirit, or God as we can call Him when He moves directly and intimately in our lives. But the aspects of God are still the aspects of one God.

"For there are three that bear record in heaven, the Father, the Word, and the Holy Ghost: and these three are one." -1 John 5:7

Judaism is Christianity's predecessor. Throughout The Bible, prophets predicted that someone would fulfill the promise of God. Christians believe that Jesus Christ was that someone, but Jews believe that we are still waiting.

Islam is the third of the single-God religions. They believe in very different teachings of God, including a common argument that God is the only God, and that Jesus was just a prophet who claimed to be God and will eventually have to answer for this. They don't have much to say about the Holy Spirit.

(The only reference in the Quran, Islam's holy text, that concerns the three aspects of God claims that Jesus was trying to make himself and his mother equal with God. This is completely different from Christian beliefs, where Jesus' birthmother was a great, holy woman, but she was still human. Yet, Muslims still argue that the Trinity of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit is inaccurate based on that verse.)

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