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Q: What are the main difference between the steady state model of the universe?
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What is the steady state Universe model?

A model describing the Universe as static and not changing. According to this model the Universe always existed and always will, and it was in the past the same way we see it today.

What are the differences between the steadystate model of the universe and the big bang model?

The steady state model assumes that new matter is created at the universe expands, the big bang theory states that no new matter is ever created, but only changes form.

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Geocentric is that the earth is the center of the universe and heliocentric is the sun is the center of the universe. can it be nothing.

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Dynamic simulation is the use of a computer program to model the time varying behavior of a system. In contrast, steady state simulations cannot model variations in variables over time.

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Steady State (Hubble) Big Bang (Standard Model) Brane Collision (String Theory)

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What is the difference between the big bang theory and the geocentric theory?

The "geocentric theory" refers to the discarded notion that the Earth is at the center of the universe. The Big Bang theory is the model that explains how the universe is basically homogeneous in all directions, and that there is no topological center or preferred place of observation in the universe.

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The difference between a map and a model is a model is three dimensional and a map is two dimensional (flat) . In another sense, there is no difference. A model is just one kind of map.

What difference does it make weather the big bang started the universe or weather the steady-state model is valid?

For the purposes of our lives here on the Earth, probably none at all. The universe exists, and we live in it. But we humans are full of questions, and we always want to know how and why. How did the universe get to be as it is, and why? There aren't many answers, but as we study the universe and try to figure out how things work, we learn little bits more about how things came to be, and what might happen in the distant future.

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