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Q: What are the main differences between cfm jsp?
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Difference between ASP and JSP?

The main difference between ASP and JSP is that JSP is more script like and includes Java, whereas ASP does not. Both of these are server side languages.

What are the main differences between single-tier and multi-tier site architectures?

Sigle tire means using single technique to built entier application. For Example only using jsp for building whole web application instead of using jsp, servelt and database.

What is the difference between JSP hosting and other kinds of hosting?

The main difference between JSP hosting and other kinds of hosting is simply the use of Javascript. While some things may differ between the different types, there are also a lot of similarities.

What is the difference between JSTL and JSP?

The Difference between JSTL and JSP is that, JSP lets the person add embedded Java code into HTML pages. Also JSP allows the person to define their own tags. JSTL is just a standard tag library provided by Sun to carry out common tasks.

Difference between jsp and php?

JSP stands for Java Server Pages whereas PHP stands for Hypertext PreProcessor. PHP is a scripting language whereas JSP is a full fledged technology. JSP is much more powerful and has more features than PHP

What are jsp actions?

JSP actions are XML tags that direct the server to use existing components or control the behavior of the JSP engine. JSP Actions consist of a typical (XML-based) prefix of "jsp" followed by a colon, followed by the action name followed by one or more attribute parameters. There are six JSP Actions: < jsp : include / > < jsp : forward / > < jsp : plugin / > < jsp : usebean / > < jsp : setProperty / > < jsp : getProperty / >

What is difference between custom JSP tags and beans?

They are two totally different concepts and are entirely different when compared to one another. The similarity is that - they both are used by JSP Pages to enhance the features and functionality of the JSP Technology

What is the difference between JSP and JSPX?

What is the difference between requestgetattribute and requestgetParameter in JSP?

request.getAttribute() is used on the Server side Java code to get values submitted from the form onto the Servlet or other java classes request.getParameter() is used on the JSP page to get values sent by the servlet and display it in the jsp page

What is the difference between JS and JSP?

JS stands for JavaScript whereas JSP stands for Java Server Pages. JS is a scripting language that can be used in HTML and other Web related UI pages whereas JSP is a full fledged technology which is used to build complex and powerful UI web pages. JSP has support for JS too.

What is acronym of jsp?

JSP stands for Java Server Pages

What is full from JSP?

JSP stands for Java Server Pages