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The first main event in The Wizard of Oz is the cyclone. For it creates the main conflict or crisis in the story, of Dorothy Gale and her pet dog Toto having to find their way back home. The second main event is the landing of the farmhouse on top of, and killing, the Wicked Witch of the East. For it establishes Dorothy's reputation as a visitor with special powers, and incurs the wrath of the Wicked Witch of the West. The third main event is the meeting of the three individuals who become good friends, and traveling companions, to Dorothy and Toto: the Tin Woodman, the Scarecrow, and the Cowardly Lion. The fourth main event is the meeting with the Wizard in his Emerald Palace. For the Wizard will help the five friends only if they eliminate the Wicked Witch of the West. In the original book, he asks them to kill the Witch. In the 1939 film version, he asks them to bring back her broomstick. The fifth main event is the killing of the Witch by throwing a bucket of water on her, and thereby causing her to melt into nothingness. The sixth main event is the purported granting to the Tin Woodman the heart that he already has, to the Scarecrow the brain that he already uses, and to the Cowardly Lion the courage with which he already goes through life. The seventh main event is the taking off of the hot air balloon before Dorothy and Toto can get back inside the basket with the Wizard. The eighth main event is the granting of Dorothy's wish to get herself and Toto back home to Kansas. And the ninth main event is the bringing Dorothy and Toto back full circle to the story's beginning, at home with Uncle Henry and Aunt Em.

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Between the five friends finding out that the Wizard is a humbug and Glinda pointing out the use of the magic shoes is the falling action in "The Wizard of Oz."

Specifically, the falling action also is called the resolution. It involves what happens between the climax, which proclaims the antagonist or the protagonist the victor in their struggle, and the conclusion. In both the book and the film, the climax happens with the destruction the Wicked Witch of the West, which enables the five friends to go back to Oz, hopefully to get their dreams realized.

In the book, the falling action begins with Chapter 14 and ends with Chapter 23. It therefore includes the following events:

1. The five friends discover that the Wizard is a humbug, but force him to make good on his promises.

2. The Cowardly Lion, the Scarecrow and the Tin Woodman respectively get their courage, heart and brains.

3. The Wizard offers a hot air balloon ride back to Kansas to Dorothy Gale and her pet dog Toto, but ends up taking off without his passengers.

4. The Soldier with the Green Whiskers suggests Glinda the Good as a problem-solver.

5. The five friends travel from the Emerald City to Glinda's residence in the Red Quadling Country of southern Oz.

6. Glinda wants the Golden Cap to send the three friends to their respective jobs and to free the Winged Monkeys in exchange for revealing the power of the magic shoes to get Dorothy and Toto back to Kansas.

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12y ago
Between the five friends finding out that the Wizard is a humbug and Glinda pointing out the use of the magic shoes is the falling action in "The Wizard of Oz."

Specifically, the falling action also is called the resolution. It involves what happens between the climax, which proclaims the antagonist or the protagonist the victor in their struggle, and the conclusion. In both the book and the film, the climax happens with the destruction the Wicked Witch of the West, which enables the five friends to go back to Oz, hopefully to get their dreams realized.

In the book, the falling action begins with Chapter 14 and ends with Chapter 23. It therefore includes the following events:

1. The five friends discover that the Wizard is a humbug, but force him to make good on his promises.
2. The Cowardly Lion, the Scarecrow and the Tin Woodman respectively get their courage, heart and brains.
3. The Wizard offers a hot air balloon ride back to Kansas to Dorothy Gale and her pet dog Toto, but ends up taking off without his passengers.
4. The Soldier with the Green Whiskers suggests Glinda the Good as a problem-solver.
5. The five friends travel from the Emerald City to Glinda's residence in the Red Quadling Country of southern Oz.
6. Glinda wants the Golden Cap to send the three friends to their respective jobs and to free the Winged Monkeys in exchange for revealing the power of the magic shoes to get Dorothy and Toto back to Kansas.
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12y ago

Dorothy's trip from Munchkinland to the Emerald City is the rising action in "The Wizard of Oz."

Specifically, rising action refers to complications that arise as main characters seek their goal. The description fits Chapters 2 through 9 in the original 1900 book edition by Lyman Frank Baum (May 15, 1856 - May 6, 1919). Dorothy Gale and pet dog Toto find their quest to get back home complicated by adventures and additional traveling companions as well as, in the beloved 1939 film version, the growing enmity of the Wicked Witch of the West.

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13y ago

It is when dorthy is forced to travel to the great oz but he will not grant her and her friends wishes until the wicked witch of the west is killed.

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