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Conflict theory posits that society is composed of different groups with competing interests and power dynamics. It emphasizes the role of conflict and inequality in shaping social structures and institutions. Conflict theorists argue that social change occurs through conflict and struggle between different groups vying for resources and power.

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Q: What are the main tenets of conflict theory?
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Conflict Theory

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What sociological terms are relevant to conflict theory?

Conflict theory is one of the main theories in sociology. It was created by Karl Marx, and states that social classes in society are in competition with one another and that the lower class is given unequal access to materials and money. Some of the terms relevant to conflict theory are bourgeoisie, proletariat, power, exploitation, means of production, and capitalist.

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Conflict theory

What is contemporary conflict theory?

Can u help me to find an information about contemporary conflict theory,its definition and uses?

What is neo conflict theory?

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