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Main area is currently in the Antarctic ocean and within the Arctic waters. However, it does happen in other coastal area like in Japanese coasts and within the Faroe Islands.

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Q: What are the main whaling oceans?
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Related questions

What continent does whaling happen in?

Whaling happens in oceans, not on continents.

How can people care for the oceans when whaling?

they can't. caring for the oceans entails its creatures, and whales are part of them. whaling is awful and people should stop it.

Why are whales endangered species?

They are endangered due to their current population and rate it is either increasing or decrease Main cause for some species like Antarctic Minke whale is due to hunting and many whales before were hunted to the brink to extinction but some able to recover after commercial whaling ban. Main cause is Whaling but Whales do die from ship collisions and occasionally from military tests in the oceans.

What is the name of the main whaling ship in Melville's Moby Dick?

The Pequod

Name 4 main oceans?

While there are more than four oceans on Earth, there are four which are considered the main ones. The four main oceans are the Pacific, Atlantic, Indian, and Arctic.

Why are people whaling blue whales?

Blubber and whale oil are the main by-products.

What is the main water body of oceans?

pacific ocean Atlantic oceans

What is the main difference between a a merchant ship and a whaling ship?

The crew on the whaling ship had all the oil they needed for their lamps, while the oil was scarce on a merchant ship.

Which of the main oceans is the smallest ocean?

The Arctic Ocean is the smallest of the Worlds Oceans.

What are the 6 main oceans called?

The FOUR main oceans are the Pacific Ocean, Atlantic Ocean, The Arctic Ocean, and the Indian Ocean

What are the main oceans around US?

The Atlantic, Pacific, and Arctic Oceans border the US.

Where is the Sag Harbor Whaling Museum in Sag Harbor New York located?

The address of the Sag Harbor Whaling Museum is: 200 Main St, Sag Harbor, NY 11963