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Q: What are the major differences between Sears structure before and after the merger with Kmart?
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How do conglomerates and vertical mergers differ frim horizontal mergers?

Conglomerate is a merger between firms that are involved in totally unrelated business activities. A vertical merger is a merger between firms that exist in the same supply chain, while a horizontal merger is a merger between firms in the same industry.

Which company is a conglomerate merger?

A conglomerate merger is one between two strategically unrelated firms from which economic benefits is not possible for the bidder or the target. The merger between Walt Disney Company and American Broadcasting Company is a conglomerate merger.

What was the ticker symbol for Mobil before merger with Exxon?

Prior to the merger, the ticker symbol was XON.

What was the ticker symbol for Exxon Corp before merger with Mobil?

Prior to the merger, the ticker symbol was XON.

What is the difference between a consolidation and a merger?

there is no difference.

What is the difference between merger and joint venture?

The Joint Venture is temporary partnering and alliance but Merger is permanently combination.

How do you use merger in a sentence?

The merger between the two corporations fell through.Many companies create mergers when their services overlap.

What must the companies prove the merger would do Before government approves a merger?

lower costs and consumer prices or lead to a better product

Was the merger between Kmart and Sears vertical or horizontal?


Why did the FTC prevent the proposed merger between Heinz and Beech-Nut?

The FTC, prevented the proposed merger between Heinz and Beech-Nut, because it would damage commercial competition.

What is the definition of vertical merger?

Vertical merger is between two companies that is producing different goods. This happens when two different firms are on different levels.

What year was Verizon landline established?

Verizon was formed on June 30, 2000 after the merger between Bell Atlantic corp and GTE corp. Both companies were well established at the time of the merger with revenues $33 billion and $25 billion respectively in 1999. So the answer to the question is technically June 30, 2000 but the landlines were already established by the two companies before the merger.