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In humans and mammals, the heart.

We breathe in oxygen, which is released by trees and plants. Lungs fill with oxygen and is picked up by the blood in the capillaries of the alveoli. The blood travels to the heart via the pulmonary vein where it is pumped to every part of the body.

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7y ago

Heart, arteries, veins, and capallaries.
Heart,arteries and veins...

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15y ago

The heart is the only organ in the circulation system. The circulation system also consists of blood vessels (veins, arteries and capillaries).

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Q: What are the major organ for circulation?
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I was looking for the answer to this too.

What refers to the circulation of blood through an organ or a structure?

Blood flow is a term that refers to the circulation of blood through an organ or structure. Another term often used is microcirculation.

What does circulation?

Circulation is the pumping of blood and oxygen throughout your body. Your heart is the main organ in this process. Without the circulation system, you could not function.

Which organ is responsible for the circulation blood throughout your body?

The Heart

What is the only organ that systemic circulation does not carry blood to?

The lungs

How many circulation pathways do a fishes have?

every organ of fishes have a pathway of blood , so the pathway of circulation of fishes are depend on how many organ they have because not all the fish have the same structure some of them may have the organ which others dont... hope to help

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What is the major key for organ?

There is no such thing as A major key for organ. The organ is a C melody instrument, just like a piano.