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The major signs of a heart attack are chest discomfort, discomfort of areas in the upper body, shortness of breath, cold sweat, nausea, or feeling lightheaded.

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Q: What are the major signs of a heart attack?
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There are many signs of heart failure and everyone will experience different signs. Shortness of breathe and tingling on the left arm are primary signs of a heart attack.

Can a heart attack make you nauseous?

Yes, vomiting, is related to a heart attack. It is a common symptom of a heart attack.

Is the signs the same for a heart attack and a panic attach?

In a heart attack, one will describe the feeling as if there was an elephant sitting on his chest.

What are signs of a heart attack?

There are many signs of a heart attack. Many report a tingleing in their arm or down one side of their body. Chest pain and shortness of breathe are sign never to ignore.

Where can I find more information about signs of a heart attack?

this is where i found the best info on Where can I find more information about signs of a heart attack here is the website - Cached

Is there a list of heart attack signs I can review?

Yes, there are several common heart attack signs and symptoms to look for. Chest, stomach, and upper body pain, shortness of breath, nausea, vomiting, dizziness, and sweating are just a few.

What evidence is there that it is important to treat signs of depression in those who have had a heart attack?

Depressed heart attack survivors have a higher mortality rate in the first 18 months after the initial heart attack than their nondepressed counterparts.

What should you take for someone who shows signs of heart attack?

Bayer aspirin

What are the signs of a heart attack in men?

The signs of a heart attack are the same in men as in women. You can have sweating, trouble breathing pain in the chest, pain in the arm or pain even in the jaw. You will also feel like something is sitting on your chest.

What are the warning signs for a heart attack?

Some signs of a heart attack are fatigue and dizziness. The more common signs are feelings of pressure, tightness or pain the the chest area. This website has more information.

What are some heart attack warning signs?

Some heart attack warning signs include chest pain, loss of strength and difficulty breathing. You can find more information online at websites like