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Q: What are the materials are cycled out by the chloroplast and mitochondrion?
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What does the power house mean for a mitochondrion and chloroplast?

Mitochondria is the power house.Chloroplast is not considered.

What is the organelles of plants where photosynthesis occurs?


In a cell what is the name of the organelle that packages and transports materials in and out the cell?

what is named after a Italian scientists is is nucleus, lysosome, Golgi complex, chloroplast, unicellular, mitochondrion, endoplasmic reticulum, cell membrane, cell wall, and ribosome

What are two energy related organelles?

The two organelles in a plant cell that are sites of ATP synthesis are the mitochondrion and the chloroplast.Not all cells in a plant contain chloroplasts.

How does the surface area of a mitochondrion or chloroplast affects its energy output?

increased surface area, increases output

What organelle contains a smooth outer and folded inner membrane in a cell?

The chloroplast of plant cells and the mitochondrion of animal cells. Both of these are involved in the production of energy and are derived from the secondary endosymbiosis of an alga (in the case of the chloroplast) or a cyanobacteria (in the case of the mitochondrion).

Endosymbiotic theory explains the formation of organelles surrounded by how many membranes?

two membranes, for example the mitochondrion and the chloroplast.