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anything that has a density <1.0 will float on water

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Q: What are the materials that float on water?
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How does a boat stay a float on the water by itself?

Materials that are less dense than water will float. Wood and styrofoam are 2 such materials. This property is know as bouyancy. Materials that are denser than water can be formed in a way to displace water so that they will float.

Can you lift an object with water?

Yes.Since water contains materials in water, diet soda will float.

What materials will float on water?

anything that is less dense than the water, like a cork

Do materials float better in water oil or soda?

Materials float best in the liquid with the highest density. Soda with lots of dissolved sugar probably has the highest density.

Materials that sink and float in the water?

material that sink has a density above that of water and does not obey the law of floatation.

How do materials that float differ from materials that sink?

The ones which float have a lower density than water, whereas those which sink have a higher density than water. However, also the shape the material is in influences whether it sinks or floats.

Why do boats float even if their materials are more dense than water?

Because of buoyancy.

How well do different materials sink or float in water?

Well it depends on what the 'different' items are.

Why some materials sinks in water while others do not?

Some materials sink in water because they are more dense than the water. Others float because they are less dense than water.

Explain how a ship made of materials that are much denser than water is able to float on water?

It's the air in there.

Why is it important that a kayaker can float if he or she falls int the water?

So that the weight on the kayak including the person can folat. It is important to have materials which float in water rather than sink it is for safety reasons too

What chemicals make Water Skis float?

The materials used for water skiis is less dense than water, which makes them float. Most water boards (such as skiis, surf boards, etc.) were originally (and some still are) made of wood.