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Q: What are the materials that make up the wind vane?
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What instruments is used to indicate the direction of wind?

Two instruments for indicating wind direction are the wind sock and the wind vane. The wind vane is largely considered the more modern of the two.

What is a windvane?

A wind vane is a mechanical way of telling which way the wind is blowing. Some can be just a windsock that fills with air when the wind blows. Another might be iron, cast in the form of an animal like a rooster, that is set onto a spindle that lets the rooster turn easily.

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The process by which wind removes surface materials is frequently known as erosion. Wind Erosion is responsible for picking up small (or large depending on velocity of the wind) particles and moving them.

How do you know if you have a make up rate H stamp or a 33 cent H stamp?

Look for the words 'The "H" Rate make up stamp." It has a picture of a rooster on a weather vane.

How do you know the direction of wind?

1. wind sock - is made out of weather resistant nylon fabric tube that is suspended from a pole a few feet above the ground rotatable. 2. Drop a handful of sand or soil slowly . It will move in the direction of the wind

Where is a wind vane usually placed?

In America, the first recorded weather vane maker, Shem Drowne of Boston, began hammering out silhouettes in the early 1700s. Soon, weather vanes were popping up all over the Colonies.shem drwne invented the first wind vane (recorded in the us)Wind vanes have been known for milennia, who first though of the idea is not known.From Wikipedia:The Tower of the Winds on the ancient Roman agora in Athens once bore on its roof a wind vane in the form of a bronze Triton holding a rod in his outstretched hand, rotating as the wind changed direction. Below, the frieze was adorned with the eight wind deities. The eight metre high structure also featured sundials, and a water clock inside dates from around 50 BC. The wind vane evolved from a Triton to a weathercock as the Roman Empire converted to Christianity. Many churches have a weathercock on the tower or spire. The cock refers to the fall of St Peter and to intimate the necessity for watchfulness and humility.

At what angle should the sail of a sailboat be to produce the maximum speed?

I believe you're asking about sailing up wind. So a better way word your question is:"When sailing upwind, how far (or what angle) off wind must a sailboat be in order to maximize the wind and produce the fastest hull speed?"All sailboat makers design their hulls different. However, as varied as sailboats get, they all seem to obey the same basic principles when sailing upwind.Most sail boats are equipped with a wind vane usually mounted at the top of the main sail mast of the ship. On it are two angled indicators with red flags at the tips (one towards starboard aft and one towards port aft) producing about a 60 degree arc open directly to the stern. If the wind vane is outside the 60 degree arc, you may use the wind. If you are inside the arc, you will get luffing or backing in your sails. The trick is to line up the wind vane so that it is just outside one of the indicators and make the sails taught (but never as taught as possible). That angle is about 35 degrees off wind.Note that your resultant bearing will be greater than 35 degrees off wind. The boat slicing through the water is not 100% efficient due to varying keels, hull designs and displacements. Also water current can effect your bearing pushing you further off wind.Once you "gain a feel" for the angle, you'll be able to hit it every time without cheating and looking up at the wind vane for help. Happy sailing.

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The materials that make up noctilucent clouds are tiny water Ice crystals and dust particles.

When an obstacle causes wind to slow down and deposit the materials pile up and eventually form a?
