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Q: What are the mechanics of speaking french?
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What are the French speaking countries known as in French?

In France, French- speaking countries are known are francophonie countries. This means French speaking

In writing what is the aspect of language that deals with writing but not speaking?


What is difference between a French country and a French speaking country?

there is only a French country, which is France. But there are several countries where the French language is spoken, which are French-speaking. The same goes for English and English-speaking: America is not English, but is English-speaking. Well I no that a French speaking country speaks French but not like France. For example:Haiti, and Morrocco are French speaking countries.

What are the mechanics of speaking?

Mechanics of speaking in Communication : 1- try to choose simple words 2- speak loud and clear 3- choose those words which can easily describe what you want to say

what is the aspect of writing that deals with writing but not speakIng called?

Mechanics -apex

What is the aspect of language that deals with writing but not speaking called?

Mechanics -apex

How many french speaking countries are there?

There are 29 countries worldwide where French is an official language.

What cooks are better German or French?

French cuisine is obviously famous, varied, and creative. There is a popular joke involving German and French: "paradise is where the mechanics are German, and the cooks are French. Hell is the other way: the mechanics are French and the cooks are German"

Is Belgium a french speaking country?

Yes, Belgium is a multilingual country, with French as one of its official languages. The majority of the population in the southern region of Wallonia speaks French as their primary language.

French speaking province?

Quebec is the only province in Canada where French is the official language. French is the predominant language spoken in Quebec, and the province has its own unique culture and identity within Canada.

French speaking people are called?

French speaking people are known as francophones.

Is chad a french speaking country?

No, Chad is not a French-speaking country. The official languages of Chad are Arabic and French, with French being the language of administration and education.