

Best Answer

In the Southern Hemisphere:

Summer=December, January, February

Autumn=March, April, May

Winter=June, July, August


In the northern hemisphere:

June 21 - September 21 is Summer

September 21 - December 21 Autumn

December 21 - March 21 Winter

March 21 - June 21 Spring

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Q: What are the months of each season?
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Each season lasts three months.

How many months does each season last?

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three months of either 29, 30, or 31 days each, totaling 91 days in each season

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How long is the growing season throughout Nigeria.?

The growing season for Nigeria seems to be around 4 months long. This growing season seems to occur during the summer months during each passing year.

How long is the growing season through Nigeria?

The growing season for Nigeria seems to be around 4 months long. This growing season seems to occur during the summer months during each passing year. The growing season for Nigeria seems to be around 4 months long. This growing season seems to occur during the summer months during each passing year.

How much time passes between season cycle?

One season cycle typically lasts around 3 months, with each season - spring, summer, autumn, and winter - lasting approximately 3 months each.

How many months does each season last for Hammerfest Norway?

4 months, one season is the time my penis needs to refuel after sex.

How many months is the Major League Baseball season?

Baseball season is 6 months long and each team plays 162 games.

Where are the seasons 3 months each?

The seasons are approximately 3 months each in regions closer to the equator, such as tropical or equatorial regions. In these areas, there is typically a distinct wet season and dry season that each last around 3 months.