

What are the most abused illegal drugs in the us?

Updated: 8/19/2019
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12y ago

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crystal meth is probably the most abused as its highly addictive. but crack cocaine is also among the top.

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Q: What are the most abused illegal drugs in the us?
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cocain canabish cristal meth

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Legal drug: Nicotine or alcohol Illegal Drug: Marijuana or cocaine These results were from the US and Canada, answers could change if a broader study was available.

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No. Canada has only slightly different policies than the US on what drug is legal or not. Punishments may be different for an offense, but most chances are that every illegal drugs you can think about are clearly not allowed in Canada.

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No food is illegal to sell in college in the US. However, it is illegal to sell foods laced with drugs, such as marijuana brownies. This is due to the drugs inside of them, though, not the food itself.