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The most common symptoms of gastritis are indigestion, nausea, vomiting, bloating, and loss of appetite. Gastritis is explained as being an irritation of the stomach lining.

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Q: What are the most common symptoms of gastritis?
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What common symptoms come along with the onset of gastritis?

Symptoms of gastritis are nausea vommitting, bloating, abdominal pain, indigestion, hiccups, appetite loss, black stools, vomitting blood. Blood tests are a way to be diagnosed with gastritis.

What do erosive and hemorrhagic gastritis feel like?

Patients with erosive gastritis may also show no symptoms. When symptoms do occur, they may include anorexia nervosa, gastric pain, nausea, and vomiting.

How does one get gastritis symptoms?

Gastritis symptoms are caused by taking certain medications, swallowing chemicals or objects, other medical conditions, stress, infection or smoking. Luckily, it is very easy to treat.

What are the telltale symptoms of gastritis?

Telltale symptoms of gastritis are fatigue, dark stools, indigestion, loss of appetite, dizziness, vomiting, vomiting blood or material that looks like coffee grounds and many more.

What are some signs of gastritis?

Symptoms of gastritis can be vomiting, nausea, burping in excess, bloating, loss of appetite and loss of weight. If you feel you have gastritis you should seek medical attention as the pain can become overwhelming.

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Drinking alcohol sometimes prevents or reduces gastritis.

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What is a antral gastritis?

Gastritis is the inflammation of the stomach. The antrum is the lower half of the stomach. It is also the part that secrete most of the stomach acid. Antral gastritis is the inflammation of the antrum.