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airsol cleaner is the worst of them all. Computer duster has nitrous oxide wich depletes brains cells until they shrivel in your head. you loose brain mass when this house hold item is inhaled. The long term effects include loss of coordination in the bodies movement when doing physical tasks because the inhalient effects all parts of the brain. Other long term effects due to this drug is speech impairment. This is a cheap and deadly drug that any kid can find in modern homes. if you inhale to much at once you may find your self past out or dead. This is a very serious drug that can leave you with some serious consequences of the long term effects due to this drug.Such as cancer and brain development disorders.

yours truly dr.Ac

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12y ago
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2w ago

Some of the most dangerous gases in the home include carbon monoxide, which is colorless and odorless and can be deadly in high concentrations; radon, a radioactive gas that is also odorless and colorless and can cause lung cancer; and natural gas, which can pose a risk of explosion if there is a leak.

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15y ago

Almost anything can be a toxic gas. The most common ones are carbon monoxide and carbon dioxide.

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14y ago

Carbon monoxide


Uranium hexafluoride

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11y ago

Vx gas invented by the british

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Q: What are the most dangerous gases in the home?
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What is the most dangerous gas to humans?

Hydrogen cyanide is considered one of the most dangerous gases to humans. It interferes with the body's ability to use oxygen and can be fatal in high concentrations.

Are most nonmetal gases at room temperature?

Yes, most nonmetal gases are typically at room temperature. Examples include oxygen, nitrogen, and fluorine, which are all gases at room temperature.

That using electricity to combine oxygen and hydrogen in your home could cause a problem?

Using electricity to combine oxygen and hydrogen at home can be extremely dangerous due to the risk of explosion. The mixture is highly flammable, and any ignition source can lead to a fire or even an explosion. It is important to be aware of the risks and follow proper safety protocols when working with these gases.

Which breathing gas is dangerous?

Helium can be dangerous if inhaled in large quantities, as it can displace oxygen from the lungs and lead to oxygen deprivation. Similarly, breathing gases containing high levels of carbon dioxide or low levels of oxygen can be dangerous as they can cause asphyxiation. It is important to always use breathing gases in a controlled and safe manner.

What arer dangerous chemicals mixed together?

Mixing dangerous chemicals together can result in hazardous reactions that may release toxic gases, cause fires or explosions, or produce harmful byproducts. It is essential to follow proper handling and storage procedures for chemicals and never mix them unless you are trained to do so in a controlled environment.

Related questions

What gases come from humans?

The gases that come from humans that deplete ozone are many. CFC's are one of the most dangerous of them.

What body systems are affected by dangerous gases?

Eventually all body systems will see the effects of dangerous gases, but the most immediate effects will be seen by the respiratory systems and the circulatory systems.

What are the most dangerous gases in ww1?

mustard gas tear gas poison gas

Why are the noble gases the most stable group on the periodic table?

because its dangerous for everything in the world

What is the most dangerous gas to humans?

Hydrogen cyanide is considered one of the most dangerous gases to humans. It interferes with the body's ability to use oxygen and can be fatal in high concentrations.

Why are the gases in space dangerous?

because it is

What gases are not dangerous?


What dangerous gases begin with the letter a?

Acetylene could be considered dangerous, as it is highly inflammable

What bird did miners test for dangerous gases?


Why is there dead animals all over your apartment?

It's probally because gases are in the air. I'm a professional scientist and When there's gases roaming around your home you could probally die too. It's really dangerous to breathe in gases and that is why your animals are dead/dying/going to die.

Why are gases dangerous?

Different gasses have different ranges of danger but most gases spary out small liquid particles that's you inhale and those interfere with your respritory system (breathing). There are special gases that do special things such as burn you eyes, nose and mouth, ones that make your vision go blurry and many others.

Name two non poisonous gases volcanoes release?

There is no gases that comes out of a volcano that is not poisonous all gases that comes from a volcano is dangerous.