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See the related question. The Infrared black body radiation is emitted by the Earth.

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3w ago

The most visible electromagnetic waves on Earth are visible light. This type of electromagnetic radiation is the only part of the electromagnetic spectrum that is visible to the human eye. Visible light is responsible for the colors we see in the world around us.

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12y ago

Radio, Microwave, IR, Visible, some UV.

The rest of UV, X-Rays, and Gamma are blocked by atmosphere.

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visible light

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light waves

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Q: What are the most visible electromagnetic waves on earth?
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How does energy reach the earth?

Energy reaches the Earth primarily through the Sun's radiation. The Sun emits energy in the form of electromagnetic waves, with most of it being in the form of visible light. This energy travels through space and reaches Earth, where it is essential for supporting life and powering various natural processes.

How does the sun' energy travel to the earth?

Electromagnetic radiation... i.e., light. Electromagnetic Waves A+

Most of the waves in the electromagnetic spectrum are?

Invisible. The only light is in the visible light section. lol. :)

The entire range of em waves is called the?

The entire range of electromagnetic waves is called the electromagnetic spectrum. It includes radio waves, microwaves, infrared, visible light, ultraviolet, X-rays, and gamma rays. Each type of wave has a different frequency and wavelength.

How does the suns energy travle to earth?

Most of it travels to Earth via light, and similar electromagnetic waves.

Do electromagnetic waves play an important rules in your life?

Yes. Without electromagnetic waves, you wouldn't be able to see; more importantly, there might be no life on Earth, since most of the energy we use comes from the Sun, in the form of electromagnetic waves.

The transfer of energy by electromagnetic waves?

The waves that are the most infictint are the seismic waves

How do electromagnetic waves travel through a medium?

electromagnetic waves generally don't require a medium to travel. the most commonly visible example is "light" which may be either sun's light, light from a bulb or any other source. they travel as transverse waves.

What penetrates the earth's atmosphere to reach the surface?

Electromagnetic radiation from the sun, most in the form of visible light.

What waves don't need matter to travel through?

Electromagnetic Waves do not require a medium, or matter to move through, to transfer waves. This includes radiowaves, microwaves, infared waves, visible light waves, Ultraviolet waves, X-rays, and gamma rays.

Are sound waves and electromagnetic waves radiation?

Yes, sound waves are not considered radiation. They are mechanical waves that transmit energy through vibrations in matter. Electromagnetic waves, such as light and radio waves, are a form of radiation that can travel through a vacuum.

The Sun transfers most of its heat by means of?

Convection and radiation (internally) and radiation (externally).