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Tubulin. (pronounced: tube-you-lin)

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Q: What are the motor proteins that move the microfilaments?
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The pseudopods of amoebas and certain other cells are produced by action of motor proteins and?

the reorganization of cytoskeletal elements, such as actin filaments. Motor proteins, such as myosin, generate force by interacting with actin filaments, leading to the formation and extension of pseudopods for cell movement and phagocytosis.

What Microfilaments are made from ball shaped proteins called?

Microfilaments are made from a ball-shaped protein called?. Microfilaments are made from a ball shaped. Microfilaments are made of protein strands called

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What packs and carrys proteins?

The endoplasmic reticulum plays a big part in the packing and carrying of proteins. Proteins are actually carried along the microfilaments of a cell.

What packs and carries protein in cells?

The endoplasmic reticulum. Proteins are carried along the microfilaments of a cell.

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Motor proteins that move vesicles along a microtubule toward the plus end are called?


What thin solid protein fibers that provide structural support for eukaryotic cells?

MicrofilamentsThere are two types of proteins that make up the cytoskeleton. Microtubules and microfilaments. Since you asked what the "fibers" are I assume you are talking about the microfilaments.

What materials are found in the plasma membrane?

Phospholipid bilayer, embedded proteins, sugars forming the cell coat.

What three organelles enable eukaryote to move?

Flagella, Cilia. and Microtubules / Microfilaments

What is the contractile elements of the cytoskeleton?

Microfilaments Microfilaments support the microvilli, they are involved in muscle contraction and other cell motility, endocytosis, and cell division... Anatomy & Physiology/fourth edition