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Muscles of internal organs are usually smooth muscles.It is not always so.Heart is an internal organ containing cardiac muscles.Oesophagus and diaphragm are example of exceptions which contain skeletal muscle.

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Q: What are the muscles called that move your internal organs?
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What muscles control the movement of your internal organs?

Cardiac muscles move your organs. they are the ones that are uncontrollable...

What muscles are inside many internal organs?

There are a number of muscles found in the walls of many internal organs. The common ones include smooth muscles and involuntary muscles among others.

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Nerves cannot move organs. Muscles move organs and nerves tell the muscles to move. The muscles that move the eye are the Superior Oblique, Inferior Oblique, Superior Rectus, Inferior Rectus, Medial Rectus, and Lateral Rectus.

What is the three reasons you have bones?

If you did not have bones, you could not do anything. Bones support your muscles and your tendons and make it possible for you to move. Bones also protect your internal organs.

What are the jobs of bones and muscles?

Bones have 5 jobs. They support the body and give it shape. They protect organs inside the body. They work with muscles to help the body move. Some bones help make blood cells and the store some minerals that the body needs.

Do muscles protect the organs?

it doesn't the skeletal system protects the organs

Helps the body move and protects internal organs?

The skeleton

Muscles that move bones are called?

Muscles that move bones are called Smooth muscle cells or Skeletal muscles

What are two involuntary muscles?

Smooth muscles are involuntary in action means muscle that the muscles contract without conscious control. Smooth muscles are found in walls of internal organs such as stomach and intestine and bladder and blood vessels.

How does energy move things?

Energy make things move by empowering the muscles. The muscles will then coordinate and facilitate the movement of joints and other organs.

Two organs whibh enables to move the leg?

Muscles and bones helps us to move.

Why does a muscle contract?

We have three kinds of muscles in our bodies. They all contract for different reasons. They can be first categorized as voluntary and involuntary. The voluntary ones are the ones we can control with our conscious thought. These are also called skeletal muscles and we use them to make our bodies move. The involuntary muscles include the cardiac muscles in our heart and the smooth muscles in our internal organs. We cannot consciously control our involuntary muscles but they are essential to our survival because they help us breathe, pump our blood, and move food through our digestive tract.