

What are the name of the cats babies?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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Q: What are the name of the cats babies?
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Can cats have babies after having babies a week after?

yes it can happen but those cats can have birth defects.

Why do cats runaway when they're about to have babies?

cats runaway when they have babies cause they get scared that other cats will find them so they run and hide then after a week or 2 it will come back and have they're babies at home in a place where it is warm keep your cats close!

Do boy cats have nibbles?

No, male cats do not have nipples, only females (girl cats)do this is when they are going to have babies, so the babies will be able to drink their milk.

Can your cats have babies on touch pet cats?

maybe, maybe not

How do wild cats get babies?

Yes they get babies by the mom its how we got born !

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they don't have babies only cats do

When do cats have there babies?

When they're pregnant

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Can you have babies with a cat?

Cats can not breed with humans.

How many babies do sand cats have?

about 6

How do cats clean there babies?

By washing them with their tounge.