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Q: What are the names of all the battle strikers?
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When will the new battle strikers come out?

I LOVE Battle Strikers and I know everything about them. The answer is yes, the Battle Strikers Series 2 came out a short time ago. More @[At]

Is battle strikers better than Beyblades?

Although battle strikers has a magnetic control system beyblade is more better because beyblade has more attack, stamina, balance and defence than battle strikers. I have tested with my own beyblade and battle strikers and I have found that beyblade always wins. So that means the best is BEYBLADES -- Battle strikers also have attack stamina balance and defense and it all depends how the person CUSTOMIZE that battle striker/beyblade and how they use it. No company is better, it all depends if the kids have fun. ADULTS CANNOT FORCE WHAT THE KIDS SHOULD GET, IT'S THEIR CHOICE WHAT THEY WANT AND OTHER PEOPLE SHOULD REALISE THAT TOO!

Where do you put the codes for battle strikers?

,,l,, -__- ,,l,,

Were do they sell battle strikers?

they sell them at target, walmart and kmart

What are battle strikers?

they're spinning tops similar to beyblades

Can you purchase battle strikers in New Zealand?

yes you can crazy man

What is much better Beyblade or battle strikers?

beyblade battle striker is a cheap rip off of beyblade

Are Beyblades better then battle strickers?

The last answer was wrong. Beyblades are the strongest spinning tops in the world, and can defeat nearly any other type of spinning top. Beyblade have a World Organisation, a TV show, a world tournament, and much more people around the world that play Beyblade more than Battle Strikers. Battle Strikers have hardly any of that. Beyblade can also defeat Battle Strikers.

What is the name of the series 2 battle strikers spinning top?

metal xs

When is the battle strikers metalxs game going to come out?

coming out April 15

Is Battle Strikers the toy out today?

they are coming out on Canada day next year

How do battle strikers work?

You put it on the turbo launcher then push the button, if you just have a battle striker BUY A TURBO LAUNCHER!