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Leanardo DeVinci

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Q: What are the names of famous artist who painted portraits of Jesus?
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Who was the artist that painted a picture of Jesus sitting on a white horse entitled King of Kings?

Pat Markvenko Smith. Revelation Productions

What famous painters painted The Crucifixion of Jesus?

The 2000 year evolution of art works focused on the Crucifixion of Jesus includes numerous paintings.

Who painted mother and child?

There are many Mother and Child paintings but the most famous was painted by Pablo Picasso.Another answer:Maybe the ones by Raphael are the most famous.When not about the Virgin and Baby Jesus, Mary Cassatt painted many famous mother and child pictures.

What is the value of a painting of Jesus Christ painted by Gab Max dated 1874?

Artist Gab Max painted an image of Jesus Christ, titled 'Veronica's Veil,' in 1874. A private collector in Europe purchased the original painting for around 25,000 dollars.

What artist made the painting 'Madonna of the Rocks'?

Raphael (Raffaello Sanzio; 1483-1520.)But not just Raphael painted a Madonna and Child. There are many artists who painted Madonna and Child, such as Hans Memling. There are hundreds of paintings of Mary and Jesus/Madonna and Child.Additional answer:The painter who has painted the most works of this subject was the Venetian Giovanni Bellini (c 1430-1516)

What is the artists name who painted Jesus standing outside the door knocking?

Since there are several paintings of Jesus standing outside a door knocking, this question has various answers. Among them: - Holman Hunt - Del Parson Warner Sallman painted the most famous.

What artist painted over 300 portraits of Madonna?

Raphael did paint over 300 paintings of the Madonna (mother of Jesus). Nobody has painted 300 portraits of the rock artist of the same name. 1.This artist painted over 300 portraits of the Madonna. (1 point)(0 pts) Leonardo da Vinci(0 pts) Titian(1 pt) Raphael(0 pts) Michelangelo1 /1 point 2.This is the name of the Hindu elephant god. (1 point)(0 pts) Vishnu(1 pt) Ganesha(0 pts) Krishna(0 pts) Shiva1 /1 point 3.This type of elaborate writing is used in the Koran. (1 point)(0 pts) typography(0 pts) pictograph(1 pt) calligraphy(0 pts) printing1 /1 point 4.The artwork of this religion often depicts images of divine beings or prophets. (1 point)(0 pts) Taoism(0 pts) Confucianism(1 pt) Christianity(0 pts) Islam

What is the artist's name who painted Jesus standing outside the door knocking?

William Holman Hunt. But there are several different versions of this painting so there are several different artists.

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