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Coy carp

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Q: What are the names of the Chinese fish?
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Related questions

What is the scientific name for Japanese fighting fish?

The scientific name for the Japanese fighting fish is Betta splendens.

What should i name my Chinese fish?

You should name your Chinese fish Martha or in Chinese maratharatia!

How do you say Cristina in Chinese?

it depends on what the person's chinese name is.some people have different chinese names and same english names.some people have different english names and same chinese names.

What places in Trinidad has Chinese names?

Chinese place names in trinidad

How do you say Chinese fish in Chinese?


Where is the fiercest fish?

the Chinese beta fighting fish

What is bisugo fish?

a fat orange Chinese fish

Do the Chinese write their first names first?

Unlike the western custom, Chinese write their family names first, then write their given names.

Where did 'feed a man a fish come from?

Give a man a fish and you will feed him for a day, teach him how to fish and you will feed him for a lifetime. This is a Chinese proverb

What are names of fish that start with you?

· Unicorn Fish

What are the names of smaller fish?

Clown fish

Names in Chinese?

There are many Chinese names for girls and boys. Some of these include Sadia, Laniece, Naku, as well as Vikram.