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Q: What are the names of the characters in vampires suck?
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Twilight or Vampires suck?

Vampires suck deff.

What is the duration of Vampires Suck?

The duration of Vampires Suck is 1.37 hours.

When was Vampires Suck created?

Vampires Suck was created on 2010-08-18.

When was Vampires Suck released?

Vampires Suck was released on 08/18/2010.

What was the Production Budget for Vampires Suck?

The Production Budget for Vampires Suck was $20,000,000.

Who plays charlie in Vampires suck?

First of all, the people who made Vampies Suck gave the characters different names. For example, Charlie is named Frank Crane and Jacob Black is called Jacob White. The actor who plays Charlie (or Frank) is named Diedrich Bader.

What is the rating for the movie Vampires Suck?

The movie "Vampires Suck is a comedy and rated PG.

Is there a book called vampires suck?

No, the Vampires Suck movie was a parody of the Twilight series.

Who plays beca on vampires suck?

Jenn Proske playes beca in vampires suck

Who is playing Jasper in vampires suck?

"Vampires Suck" (2010) does not have a character named 'Jasper'.

How much money did Vampires Suck gross worldwide?

Vampires Suck grossed $81,424,988 worldwide.

What is the movie 'Vampires Suck' rated?

Vampires Suck is rated PG-13.