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Q: What are the names of three methods of charging neutral objects?
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What are the names of the forces that stop physical objects from passing through each other?

The force that stops physical objects from passing through each other is the electromagnetic force. Specifically, it is the repulsion that electrons have for other electrons. When two objects touch, the electrons in the outer atomic shells are really close to each other, much closer than they are to the protons in the center of atoms which attract them, so the normally neutral atom suddenly acts as a highly negatively charged object.

Why do people sometimes call object a she?

Some call their cars, boats, and other objects by female names mostly because of a certain level of affection.

What does 'neutron' mean?

A neutron is a part of the atom that has a Neutral charge so to say. The atom is composed of an electron, proton, and neutron. Electrons have the negative charge, Protons have a positive, and neutron has no charge. Remember it as in "Neutron is neutral" or "neutron is no". A free neutron (outside of an atom that is) has a half-life of less than 15 minutes.

How many negative charges are in the atom?

That depends on what element it's an atom of. In a neutral atom of Hydrogen . . . 1 In a neutral atom of Uranium . . . 92 In a neutral atom of any other naturally occuring element . . . between 2 and 91.

What other scientific words or element names can you think of that come from common names or locations?

Many element names are derived from the last names of scientists and place names, for example. Names like Einsteinium, Americium, Scandium, Vanadium, Titanium, as well as Greek names, such as Bromine, from the Greek word for stench! Other element names are derived from countries, such as Erbium for Sweden, Lutetium for Paris and Rhenium for the river, Rhine.

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Another name for a neutral in the revolutionary war was a fence sitter.

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Neutral pronouns, pronouns that can take the place of male or female nouns or names are I, me, you, they and them; and the possessive pronouns my, your, their, and theirs.

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Yes, names of a class of objects ..

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the names of all 3 sided objects are googoo gaagaa. and cole is sexy uhuhuhuhuh!@#$$%^^&*()_|}"{:PLKL<>:?"":L<>??:>LKJHGFDXGBHNJU"P:(&Y^HGRF

Is a 128-bit number that ensures that no two objects have duplicate names?

yes....a GUID (globally unique identifier), a 128-bit number that ensures that no two objects have duplicate names.

What are the similarities between constructors and methods?

Two key points to remember about constructors are that they have no return type and their names must exactly match the class name. Methods can have any names and can have any return types.

What are the names of objects that neon is used for?

Neon signs is one use.

What are names of artist that have found and recycle objects?

For instance Picasso and Miró.