

What are the negative effects of using computers?

Updated: 4/7/2022
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8y ago

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Using a computer can have some negative effects that include Computer Vision Syndrome, headaches, and neck pain. Typing can cause pain in the hand and wrist.

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Keira Boyle

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Q: What are the negative effects of using computers?
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What are the negative effects of computers?

Using a computer can have some negative effects that include Computer Vision Syndrome, headaches, and neck pain. Typing can cause pain in the hand and wrist.

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What is the nagitive effect of computer?

There are quite a few negative effects of using a computer. One of the prime ill effects of using a computer is the radiations emitted from the computer monitor. As we spend more and more time for our working hours on the computer, we are bound to suffer from severe backaches and other pains that are caused due to lack of regular movements. constant usage of computers also brings about brain damage. Games and web-sites with obscene content have immense effects on small children which turn them into computer addicts. Anti-Social elements like terrorist use computers for unlawful purposes. hacking into e-mail accounts and personal computers and accessing and using personal information are also on a rise because of computers. Now days we have become too dependent on machines for each and everything which is also a huge cause of concern.

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