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Q: What are the newly industrialized countries in Asia?
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Newly industrialized countries list?

Newly industrialized countries are those that have been developed and have obtained a high level of technology and economic advancements. A newly industrialized country would be South Africa.

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Newly Industrialized Countries

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What is one newly industrialized country?

A newly industrializing country is a country formerly classified as under developed, but which is becoming rapidly industrialized. The first wave of countries to be identified as newly industrializing included Hong Kong, South Korea, Singapore, and Taiwan. These countries underwent rapid industrial growth in the 1970s and 1980s, attracting significant financial investment, and are now associated with high-technology industries. More recently, Thailand, China, and Malaysia have been classified as newly industrializing countries.

Where are most of the newly industrializing countries found?


What is an NIC country?

Newly industrialized (or industrializing) countries is where people industrialise by having more machine and more technology

What is Egypt's level of industrial development?

Egypt is a newly industrialized country developed - Canada newly industrialized - Egypt developing - Sudan

How do you use newly industry nation in a sentence?

The phrase "newly industry nation" would be an awkward construction. It should not be used in a sentence. However, you could write "newly industrialized nation".The country was a newly industrialized nation.The poorest country in the world showed signs of becoming a newly industrialized nation.

Are India and Greece industrialized nations?

India is a newly industrialized nation but Greece is not.

What country was currently going through rapid industrialization?

Newly industrialized countries are those that have been developed and have obtained a high level of technology and economic advancements. A newly industrialized country would be South Africa.

Is Asia an ledc or an medc?

Asia is a continent composed of less economically developed countries (LEDCs) and newly industrialized countries (NICs). Countries in Asia considered as LEDCs are Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Cambodia, Bhutan, East Timor, Lao People's Republic, Maldives, Burna (Myanmar), Nepal and Yemen. Asian countries consistently considered as NICs by many authors are China, India, Malaysia, the Philippines and Thailand. Some authors would include Indonesia to this list.

Is Mexico an advanced country?

You mean "developed" or industrialized? No. It is an "emerging market" or "newly industrialized country".