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Q: What are the nicotine interactions with Concerta?
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Does Concerta have any effect on birth control implants?

There are no known interactions between Concerta (a long-acting methylphenidate/Ritalin type compound) and birth control pills. However, idiosyncratic reactions are always possible. Consult with your physician, if you have any concerns, in your particular case.

How long should you be off nicotine gum before starting the birth control pill?

There are no known drug interactions between nicotine gum and the birth control pill.

Is it safe to use the nicotine patch and continue using Lexapro?

Yes, it is safe to use the nicotine patch and Lexapro at the same time. There are no drug-drug interactions between the two medications and there are no disease states that call for the use of nicotine patch or Lexapro that would interfere in either of the medications efficacy.

Can you take Cobroxin with Cymbalta?

Yes, the only interactions are Nicotine and Steroids. You should consult their drug insert for additional information:

Does Concerta cause low blood pressure?

No; Concerta is methylphenidate which is a stimulant. Concerta should raise blood pressure.

Can you mail Concerta to someone?

can u mail concerta overnight

Can concerta help with PTSD as well as ADHD?

Concerta is made to treat ADHD. You would have to ask your doctor about the possibility of treating PTSD with Concerta.

How does nicotine affect those with ADHD?

Individuals with ADHD suffer from bad impulses, poor concentration, and have a hard time remaining still. Nicotine is stimulant like most ADHD medications. In fact, research has proven that individuals with ADHD more likely to try smoking at a younger age and more likely to transition into a full-time smoker. Nicotine like amphetamine (Dexedrine, Adderall) or methylphenidate (Concerta, Ritalin) causes a release of dopamine and reduces the breakdown of other neurotransmitters in the brain. This causes nicotine to be more rewarding to those with ADHD due to its calming effects.

Can you use Concerta and cephalexin together?

yes..i was prescribed and am taking celexa, welbutrin, and concerta all together celexa and welbutrin for depression concerta for adhd...

Why is there nicotine?

The natural purpose of nicotine in plants is an insecticide. The tobacco plant was found to have pleasurable effects when smoked which were first often used for medicinal purposes. Nicotine however is one of most addictive drugs available, if not the most addictive. This is not only due to nicotine usurping the brain's natural reward system but also with it's interactions with learning and memory. In a loosely defined sense, asking someone to quit smoking is like asking someone to not read this answer while looking at it.

Is Concerta and amphetamine or methamphetamine relate if so how?

Concerta is a mthylphenidate. It has similar properties as amphetamine.

Should you take less Concerta if you start taking lexapro?

i would not advise taking any concerta while taking lexapro. I am currently taking lexapro and have taken concerta about 7 times. Each time i took concerta i would hear many scary voices in my head. i looked up the psycotic effects of concerta and they said that a side effect of concerta is hearing voices if you are on an antidepressant