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Cyst, fissure, macule, papule, polyp, pustule, ulcer, vesicle, and wheal.

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12y ago

The four types of skin lesions are primary skin lesions, secondary skin lesions, non-melanoma skin cancer, and melanoma.

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Related questions

What is the most common cause of skin lesions?

Infection of the skin itself by bacteria, viruses, fungi, or parasites is the most common cause of skin lesions.

Are skin lesions of chickenpox a sign of infection?

Yes, the skin lesions of chickenpox are the most specific sign of the infection.

Where can one get information about skin lesions?

The best place to get more information about skin lesions would be to schedule an appointment and speak with a qualified doctor. A doctor would have all of the necessary information about skin lesions.

How are skin lesions removed?

If the cause of the lesions is an allergic reaction, removing the allergen from the patient's environment is the most effective treatment. Topical preparations can also be used to clean and protect irritated skin as well as to remove dead skin

Can systemic infections cause skin lesions?

Infections of body's entire system can cause the sudden onset of skin lesions. For example, skin lesions are a hallmark symptom of such diseases as chicken pox, herpes, and small pox.

How does arsenic affect the skin when ingested?

it can cause skin cancer and Patchy skin hyperpigmentation, small focal keratoses, and other skin lesions are common effects of heavy chronic exposure.

Dermatitis Papulosa Nigra?

characterized by dark-brown lesions on the face and upper body, more common in African Caribbean skin.

What role do lasers play in removing skin lesions?

Laser surgery is now applied to a variety of skin lesions, ranging from spider veins to more extensive blood vessel lesions called hemangiomas.

What are raw sores on the skin called?


What is a condition with pigmented spots on the skin?


What are skin lesions caused by scratching?


What kinds of skin infections cause lesions?

Acne, athlete's foot (tinea pedis), warts, and scabies are examples of skin infections that cause lesions.