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Q: What are the normal constituents of urine?
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Can a tech tell if urine is diluted by looking?

No. Because they have to measure/calculate the concentration of different constituents of urine and compare them to the standard concentrations.

What is normal transparency of urine?

clear transparency is the normal characteristic of the urine

Normal and abnormal constituents of urine?

Normal constituents of urineProtein: In normal condition we excrete 20-80 mg protein in a day. But when albumin and globulin are found in illness condition then it is called Proteinuria. When a patient is suffering from nephritis, nephrosis, leucomia then excess amount of protein is detected in urine.Glucose: When the amount of glucose is increased in urine and the urine is capable to reduce the Benedict's reagent and Feeling's reagent then the condition is called Glucosuria.CARBOHYDRATES OTHER THAN GLUCOSE : Other carbohydrates like fructose, lactose, galactose may be appeared in the urine due to different reasons. If those are detected then the conditions are called fructosuria, lactosuria and galactosuria respectively.Fat: In normal healthy condition human urine does not contain any fat. But during heavy Diabetes or due to over drinking of alcohol or due to intake of rich fish liver oil lipids are detected in the urine.

Is it normal for urine to have plus plus bacteria?

No. Normal urine should be sterile.

Is there blood in normal urine?

No Normal urine should not include any traces of blood.

What is the normal pH level in urine?

The pH value for normal human urine is about 6.6, acidic.

Is albumin plus plus plus plus normal in urine?

No, 3+ albumin in the urine is not normal.

What is a normal urinalysis?

in normal urine analysis these test can be done 1 physical examination of the urine 2 chemical examination of the urine 3 microscopic examination of the urine

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