

What are the normal injuries if hit by a car?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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13y ago

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Excessive prolapse and a fractured hair folicle!, depends on what car really and what speed and whether it hits you in the eye or shin

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Q: What are the normal injuries if hit by a car?
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Yes, if the person that you hit feels that there was not enough payout. Or there injuries where life treating or there injuries are keeping them from ever returning to work or live a normal life.

What are the usual injuries if one is hit by a car?

The injuries incurred from being hit by a car depend on the speed the car is moving and the car's size. Typically, being struck by a car will break bones at the least, and death is not uncommon, especially when a car is moving quickly.

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Really it depends on injuries sustained.

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If your dog has been hit by a car you should take the dog in to your veterinarian for a full exam to make sure there are no hidden injuries.

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H is. Why is it there in the first place. You can see there is another car there, so get out the way

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pulled muscles, pulled and torn ligaments, cuts bruises it depends what you mean by 'injuries' i mean you could end up getting hit by a car!

Who is at fault if car A is mergeing into the next lane hit car B and caused car B to hit car C Then car A hits car B again. Car C is injured. Who pays for car C's injuries?

Car A pays- He started it. That's not always true. Was sitting at red light, was hit by other car that had been hit by other car. Insurance Co. said neither car was at fault, my insurance fixed my car. No fault ins.

What car insurance pays for your injuries when you're in anaccident in your car is?

Car insurance that pays for your injuries when you're in an accident in your car is

Who Is responsible for a pedestrians injuries when hit by a car?

The driver, mostly. Only when a sign says don't walk, is when the ped. is at fault.

Where can one find information on car crash injuries?

You can find information on car crash injuries by online resources such as Yahoo answers. In addition, you can find information on car crash injuries by asking your friends or family who had car crash injuries.

What happens if another car hits you and you hit the car in front of you but your insurance lapsed?

If the other car pushed you into the front car then it won't matter. Now depending on what state you are in, injuries may not be covered since some states require valid liability insurance on your part for ANY insurance company to pay for injuries.

What would happen if one ran into an embankment?

If one ran into an embankment they would most likely be hurt. If you hit one with a car, your car would be damaged. If you hit it on a bike you could have serious injuries depending on your speed.