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These notes are traditionally found in Catholic Bibles. The early Protestant leaders placed great store on ordinary people being able to read The Bible and to do so without clergy as intermediaries to provide a 'correct' interpretation of passages. The result of this is that Protestant Bibles more generally do not have detailed notes at the bottom of pages. The Noteworthy Collection NIV Bible even provides space for the reader to make his or her own notes on the Bible text. But Protestants still look for expert guidance, resulting in a proliferance of concordances, and of study Bibles, some with very detailed notes, cross-references and concordances, and so on.

The Catholic Church had been largely opposed to the Bible being available in the vernacular languages, as it was opposed to ordinary people reading the Bible for themselves. The ready availability of Protestant Bibles after the Reformation meant that the Catholic Church had to follow suit, while providing explanatory notes at the bottom of pages.

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Q: What are the notes at the bottom of a page in the Bible that help us understand what you are reading?
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