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Objective determinants of consumption include factors such as income, prices, and interest rates that impact how much individuals can afford to spend. Subjective determinants of consumption involve personal preferences, tastes, and attitudes towards saving and spending that influence consumer behavior. Both types of determinants interact to shape overall consumption levels in an economy.

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Q: What are the objective and subjective determinants of consumption?
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Difference between objective and subjective elements in sociology?

Objective elements in sociology refer to aspects of society that can be observed and measured objectively, such as social structures, institutions, and demographic data. On the other hand, subjective elements refer to individual beliefs, values, attitudes, and perceptions that may not be directly observable or measurable. Understanding both objective and subjective elements is important in sociology to gain a comprehensive understanding of society and human behavior.

Is ethnicity subjective?

Ethnicity is a complex concept that is influenced by both objective factors such as cultural heritage and subjective factors such as self-identification. While objective factors like ancestry or nationality can play a role in determining someone's ethnicity, individuals may also have their own subjective understanding of their ethnicity based on personal experiences and cultural affiliations. Ultimately, ethnicity is a multifaceted construct that can be interpreted subjectively by individuals.

Is how people interpret their situation in life and how they view what they are doing and how they perceive what is happening to them referred to as their objective meaning of life?

No, the interpretation of one's situation and their perspective on life is typically referred to as their subjective meaning of life, as it is based on personal thoughts and feelings. Objective meaning of life generally refers to a broader, universally-applicable purpose or significance that may exist, regardless of individual perspectives.

What are social determinants?

Social determinants are factors in a person's life that affect their health and well-being, such as economic status, education, housing, and social support networks. These determinants influence access to resources and opportunities, which can impact an individual's overall health outcomes and quality of life. Addressing social determinants is crucial in promoting health equity and reducing disparities in health outcomes.

What is a objective phenomenon and does it go with the symbolic interactionist perspective?

An objective phenomenon is an aspect of reality that exists independently of individual perceptions or interpretations. It is often linked to the symbolic interactionist perspective, as this approach emphasizes the subjective meanings that individuals attach to such phenomena and how these meanings shape social interactions and experiences.

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Subjective feedback is based on personal opinions or feelings, while objective feedback is based on observable facts or data. Subjective feedback is influenced by individual biases and perspectives, while objective feedback provides a more impartial evaluation based on evidence.

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They are : desired spending, autonomous consumption,induced consumption and desired private consumption.

What is the difference between objective writing and subjective?

what is the difference between subjective and objective writing

Is intent in torts objective or subjective?

It can be both objective or subjective. Should have known, vs. Did know

What is opps objective?

The opposite of objective is subjective (biased).