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How people interpret their situation, how people view what they are doing, and how they perceive what is happening to them is subjective, so it would be their subjective meaning of life.

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Q: Is how people interpret their situation in life and how they view what they are doing and how they perceive what is happening to them referred to as their objective meaning of life?
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What is critical thinking as it applies to sociological thinking?

Thinking is the mental processing of concepts or internal representations individuals have different cognitive styles influencing the way they perceive think about and store information

How has Arts contributed and can contribute towards social and cultural change?

The arts contribute to social and cultural change by redefining how we think creatively and how we perceive beauty. Often, artists speak out against social problems and that will frequently lead to change.

How do cultural norms and values impact the ways in which social problems are addressed in different countries?

A culture reflects how the people perceive the world and that affects how problems in the society are solved. The perception of the world varies between cultures and some of it is based in historical terms.

How the area of sociology justofy sociology a science?

Sociology is considered a science because it studies the patterns and processes of human social relationships. Sociology isn't just a science but a social science. Sociology studies lots of things that deal with not only how you perceive people, but how they perceive you. Some common terms sociologist use are the sociological imagination, which would be one of the most important concepts to understand is: a capacity to see how something in society is working and how social outcomes come from it. Some other common terms would be memes, norms, roles, and the looking-glass self. These all have to do how people act in society and how things have been established how to do behaviorally.

How do symbolic interactionists believe that the social value of the elderly in America changed when the economy shifted from being based on agriculture to industry?

as the meaning of old age was transformed, when it changed from an asset to a liability, not only did younger people come to view the elderly differently but the elderly also began to perceive themselves in a new light.

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Does prejudice obscure the truth?

Yes, prejudice can obscure the truth by influencing the way individuals perceive and interpret information. It can lead to biases that prevent people from seeing the complete picture or understanding the reality of a situation.

Is reality based on your perception and prejudice?

Reality exists independently of our perception and prejudice. While our perception and prejudices can influence how we interpret and understand reality, they do not define or create reality itself. Reality is objective and exists regardless of how we perceive it.

Is there a synonym for the word interpret?

Yes. Here are a few: perceive understand comprehend decipher depict decode define

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Perceived conflict - the word "perceive" means "to become aware."

What type of conflict is the awareness of a conflict situation?

Perceived conflict - the word "perceive" means "to become aware."

What type of conflict is simply the awareness of the conflicts situation?

Perceived conflict - the word "perceive" means "to become aware."

What type of conflict is simply the awarness of conflict situation?

Perceived conflict - the word "perceive" means "to become aware."

What type of conflict is simply the awareness of a conflict situation?

Perceived conflict - the word "perceive" means "to become aware."

What types of conflict is simply the awareness of a conflict situation?

Perceived conflict - the word "perceive" means "to become aware."

What type of conflict is simply awareness of a conflict situation?

Perceived conflict - the word "perceive" means "to become aware."