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Q: What are the objectives on research done on the effects of alcohol and drug abuse?
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What makes people die from alcohol?

Alcohol abuse is not good for the health, it damages the respiratory system. Also it badly affect the liver which can lead to liver cancer. Moderate drinkers tend to live longer than abstainers. Research has suggested that the negative health effects of alcohol abuse are outweighed by the positive health effects of moderate drinking.

What is the toll of alchohol abuse on American society?

Alcohol abuse in American society can take a big toll. The effects of alcohol abuse include alcohol poisoning, domestic violence, driving under the influence, child abuse and death.

The effect too much alcohol have on your body?

what effects can happen from alcohol abuse after several years?

What parts of the body that can experience negative physiological effects drom alcohol abuse are?

There are many parts of the body that experience negative physiological effects from alcohol abuse. They include major organs, such as the liver and kidneys. Alcohol can also affect the brain in negative ways.

What parts of the body that can experience negative physiological effects from alcohol abuse?


What is the research of child abuse?

as far as research to child abuse, counselling is done to find the mental effects abuse has to a childs future. and analyzing different cases of abuse is done to adjust criminal charges to ensure every form of abuse is punishable by the law.

What part of the body can experience negative physiological effects from alcohol abuse?

kidneys, skin, and blood

What are the effects on kidneys after long term alcohol consumption?

Long term alcohol consumption appears to have very little effect on kidney function. Correlations between alcohol abuse and kidney cancer have been suggested, but not proven. Research indicates that regular alcohol consumption lowers the risk of kidney stones.

What is subtle abuse in children?

Substance abuse in children is alcohol; street drugs; stealing prescription drugs from their parents or smoking.

What are the main effects of alcohol?

It elevates mood and makes them feed good. When consumed in moderation it is associated with better health and greater longevity than is abstaining from it. in moderation. Overall, more lives are saved by the moderate consumption of alcohol than are lost through its abuse, according to research.

Thesis example about child abuse?

A. Research advertises there are many effects of child abuse; some are long-lasting while other is short term.

Alcohol effects on the mind and body?

Effects depend entirely on the pattern of consumption. When consumed regularly in moderation, alcohol is associated with better health and greater longevity than is either abstaining or abusing alcohol. Alcohol abuse, on the other hand, is associated with poorer health and shortened longevity.