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Gases and metals

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Q: What are the obvious differences between the elements on either side of the periodic table?
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The only obvious differences between male and female crocodilians are their size differences :)

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valance, although there is lot of variation here as well.

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There are many differences, the most obvious being that the drift handles better.

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The most obvious difference is that a bassoon is bigger, MUCH bigger.

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Mendeleev named it the periodic table because he observed that when the elements were arranged by increasing atomic mass, their properties repeated in a periodic manner. This periodicity was the basis for organizing elements into groups and periods.

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The anatomical differences between a squid and an octopus are obvious.

Is baking powder on the periodic table?

No, it's a compound and only elements are on the periodic table. The periodic table only consists of individual elements. Baking soda is a compound, which is many elements bonded together. It's formula (sodium bicarbonate) is NaHCO3. Within it, there is sodium (Na), hydrogen (H), carbon (C), and oxygen (O), which are all on the periodic table.

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One of the obvious differences between the North and the South during the U.S. Civil War was that the North was anti-slavery and the South was pro-slavery.

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heres the obvious para means disabled people only and Olympics is regular.

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One is a frog, the other is a salamander. Both have slept with your mother.

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An obvious answer is that the sources for the energy conversion is that the resources are renewable