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We've all been in this situation. Unfortunately, you are guaranteed to get pregnant. I'm so so sorry.

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Q: What are the odds of pregnancy when you burn your hands with extreamly hot water and use pure bleach as sope And it is only a little bit of pre-ejaculate on your fingers your worried about?
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If the dreamer is wondering whether she could be pregnant, the answer is NO: continuous nightmares are not an indication of pregnancy. If in doubt, she should get a pregnancy test.However, vivid dreams, including nightmares, are quite common during pregnancy.

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baby fat it will wear off dont get worried

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Yes, thse are pregnancy symptoms. Try not to worry about ectopic pregnancy. Take a test

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Being paranoid or worried does not delay your period although in some cases stress does. If you are that worried about being pregnant you can go buy a pregnancy test and test yourself for pregnancy. Best thing is just not worry and hope for the best really ;P

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Each pregnancy is different. There is nothing to be worried about.

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No, don't worry. Just next time you masturbate with your fingers, do it in front of a mirror so you can see exactly how to get it into your vagina.

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The day of your missed period if your worried about being pregnant.

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Nothing to be worried about. That is normal.

Is cramping around the belly button and below normal in 9 weeks of pregnancy Im worried?

I would consult your doctor about it.

Is back pain lower right side during pregnancy common?

Yes, it is. You should not be worried just visit your doctor.