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Q: What are the offering of prayers in Christianity?
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Why was babri masjid build?

Emperor built Babri Mosque for offering prayers. All mosques are meant for offering prayers.

What religion places importance on Christmas prayers?

The religion that places importance on Christmas prayers is Christianity. There are various branches of Christianity, but those that celebrate Christmas place importance on Christmas prayers.

What are the five prayers?

adoration,petition,intercession,offering,and Thanksgiving

How many prayers are said in Christianity?

jesus isnt real

How do you get rid from hyper sexuality?

by offering 5 time prayers (namaz)

What are the main features of Methodist worship?

Communion, sermons, prayers, liturgies, hymns, doxology, tithes & offering.

What are the important writings in Christianity?

We have the ten Commandments, the Lord' Prayers. In short the entire bible is important.

What is the relationship between conversion and evangelizing?

People usually evangelize with the prayers that someone will convert to Christianity.

What are Islam's goals for life?

Islam goals of life is to please Allah(swt) by offering prayers and helping the needy.

When did Mary mother of Jesus convert to Christianity?

She did not convert to Christianity. She, like Jesus, was a Jew her whole life. She and Joseph taught Him the prayers and how to act. Even Jesus had to learn from someone.

What must happen to be considered a Catholic mass?

A validly ordained priest offering unleavened wheat bread and unadultered grape wine using approved prayers would be offering a valid Mass.

What is the religion of people who respect Kaaba?

Islam. Since Kaaba is the place where they face five times a day while offering their prayers.