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Q: What are the oils that an acid reflux diet can use?
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The use of alcohol is associated with an increased incidence of acid reflux disease.?

The use of alcohol is associated with an increased incidence of acid reflux disease

What are effective methods to alleviate acid reflex?

The best way to alleviate acid reflux is to change your diet. Cut out anything that causes your acid reflux to flare up. Also apple cider vinegar helps control the acid from building up. It may seem weird to use and acid for acid but many people claim it works wonders.

Is the use if alcohol associated with an increases incidence of acid reflux disease?

Yes. Alcohol is acidic, thereby increasing the incidence of acid reflux.

How do you use esphogus in a sentence?

Acid reflux messes up the lining in your esophagus.

Can you use mayonnaise instead of water?

No, and thanks a lot, I just got a bit of acid reflux.

How to Treat Acid Reflux?

Acid reflux occurs when the LES, or lower esophageal sphincter does not effectively keep stomach acid from migrating up into the chest and esophageal area. When this happens, irritating acid can cause heartburn, cough and a burning sensation in the throat. Acid reflux treatment can include the use of over the counter medications that block acid production, or medications that neutralize excess stomach acids. In addition, acid reflux treatment may be as simple as staying away from offending foods such as coffee, chocolate and spicy foods. Another effective acid reflux treatment includes elevated the head of the bed, because lying flat can cause stomach acid to back up into the throat. Elevated the head of the bed, either on blocks or a few pillows, can keep acid below the level of the esophagus, therefore, staving off symptoms. Other acid reflux treatments include drinking plenty of water because water dilutes stomach acid, rendering it less irritating, and refraining from drinking alcohol and smoking. Both of these practices have the ability to increase the production of stomach acid. Sometimes, it is necessary to see a health care provider when seeking acid reflux treatment because certain cases can be worse than others, and may require more treatment than over the counter, or home remedies can provide. The physician may prescribe medication and devise a diet plan specifically designed to reduce symptoms of acid reflux. In some cases, however, further medical evaluation may need to be done before an effective treatment plan can be developed. The patient may be sent for lab work, or may be referred to another doctor who specializes in the treatment of acid reflux treatment. Usually, conservative remedies or acid reflux are sufficient enough to reduce symptoms. Eating a healthy diet and limiting coffee can dramatically improve symptoms, as can losing weight. People who are overweight exert pressure on their diaphragms, which can worsen symptoms of acid reflux. Losing a few pounds is sometimes all that is needed in the treatment of acid reflux to significantly reduce symptoms.

What are homopathic cures for acid reflux?

Some homeopathic cures for acid reflux are mixing a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar with some water or a tablespoon of baking soda in half a cup of water.

Understanding the Symptoms of Acid Reflux?

Acid reflux disease can disrupt a person's life with frequent bouts of heartburn, indigestion and chest pain. In some cases, individuals with this digestive disorder, sometimes referred to as gastroesophageal reflux disease or GERD, may also develop a chronic cough. To recognize the symptoms of acid reflux, it helps to understand the cause. When gastric contents of the digestive tabby leaks upward into the esophagus, a burning sensation known as heartburn may occur. In some cases, the caustic effects of the gastric juices may damage the esophagus. Physicians generally prescribe medications to control symptoms of acid reflux, along with modification of diet. There are various causes of acid reflux, with one of the most common factors being a hiatal hernia. In some cases, irregular contractions of the esophagus during eating may also cause stomach acid to back up and cause symptoms of acid reflux. In severe cases of acid reflux or GERD, the esophagus may become severely inflamed, causing ulcerations or sores along the lining. When ulcers and inflammation cause significant pain, surgery may be necessary to repair the damage. In most cases however, symptoms of acid reflux may be controlled through other means. Acid reducers and eliminating certain acidic or greasy foods from the diet may help reduce the symptoms of GERD. The lifelong condition of acid reflux disease generally causes sporadic symptoms, more troublesome at certain times. Individuals with this condition may feel pain and heartburn at night or after lying down. This is why many doctors advise patients with acid reflux not to lie down immediately after eating, and not to eat heavy meals. Another symptom of acid reflux includes difficulty in swallowing, although this generally does not occur in mild forms of the disease. Burning of the throat is another common complaint and symptom among sufferers of acid reflux disease. Some patients also complain of a sour taste in the mouth or stomach. Symptoms of acid reflux may also include nausea after eating or upon awakening in the morning. Some individuals who suffer from acid reflux will also experience symptoms such as changes in their voice, resulting in hoarseness or laryngitis. The hoarseness or laryngitis is due to the acid build up in the esophageal region. In most cases, hoarseness may be relieved through the use of acid reducing medications.

Use of vinegar for diseases?

Is it ok to drink lemonade when you have acid reflux?

Yes, its alright to take a lemonade if you have acid reflux as lemons helps to neutralize the acid reflux. But best way drink it is just 10 minutes before your meal. Also, you can try natural medicine like" spoonful of sodium bicarbonate, or teaspoon-full to be exact in water, 1/2 cup aloe vera juice, or even use readily available remedies form your pharmacist

Is applesauce helpful for acid reflux?

Apples and applesauce are great for acid reflux. They work best taken as a preventative measure....before you reflux starts. An apple a day works perfectly for me. If you do have an acid reflux attack, eating an apple or some no sugar added applesauce can be very effective at relieving symptoms. The high acidity level of the apple causes the stomach to completely halt acid production. Then the fiber in the food aids digestion. I had AWFUL reflux. To the point where I was nauseas and waking up in the middle of the night trying to not throw up. Apples are a natural cure that changed my life. I take no other acid reducing medicine.

Is apple cider vinegar good for acid reflux?

Vinegar is not meant for babies. This is a strong liquid that would take the breath away from a baby if they inhale it. It is safe enough to use for washing clothes or for bathing of the skin in a diluted manner however.