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Q: What are the organs of the skeletal muscle?
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What are the 3 different muscle types?

The 3 different types of muscle are smooth, cardiac, and skeletal muscle. Smooth muscle is located on the walls of hollow organs, cardiac muscle is located on the wall of the heart, and skeletal muscle is located on skeletal muscle organs (most organs). Their functions include movement in walls of hollow organs, pumping of blood, and movement of bones, heat production and posture, respectively. Cardiac and smooth muscle are involuntary, whereas skeletal muscle is voluntary. Both cardiac and skeletal muscles have striations, but smooth muscle does not.

Skeletal muscle is found in muscles that?

Skeletal muscle is found in all muscles (mainly in charge of movement) other than the heart (cardiac muscle) and the organs (smooth muscle)

What organs are invloved wish muscular system?

skeletal muscle also help with your inner organs.

What are the three places where skeletal muscles can be found?

Skeletal muscle is found in all muscles (mainly in charge of movement) other than the heart (cardiac muscle) and the organs (smooth muscle)

What type of muscle tissue is the main component of the organs of the muscular system?


What controls our muscles and the organs in our body?

skeletal muscle

What type of muscle tires quickly during exercise smooth or skeletal?

Skeletal. Definitely. Skeletal Muscle moves bone whereas smooth muscle is found in organs and other parts of the body (stomach, veins, arteries, etc.)

Do skeletal muscles control the movements of organs?

The skeletal muscle converts signals from the nervous system into movement via muscle contractions. Muscles, like the biceps and triceps, are the organsof the skeletal muscular system

What kind of tissue makes up contracting organs?

The kind of tissue that makes up contracting organs is muscle tissue: cardiac, smooth and skeletal muscle.

How to distinguish internal organs from skeletal muscle?

- Most skeletal muscles are attached to bones by bundles of collagen fibres known as tendons. 2) Smooth muscle: Smooth muscle generally forms the supporting tissue of blood vessels and hollow internal organs, such as the stomach, intestine, and bladder.

Where in your Body can the smooth muscle cardiac muscle and skeletal muscle be found?

smooth muscle- internal organs Cardiac muscle- only in the heart Skeletal muscle- attached to bones in your arms, legs, hands, and face

How are the short length and slow movement in muscles like digestive organs?

The muscles in organs are called smooth muscle. Smooth muscle has short length and slow movement. It is involuntary unlike skeletal muscle.