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artic ocean and the southeren ocean my peps

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Q: What are the other bodies of water that geographers often call oceans?
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What is it called when rivers of water are in oceans and other bodies of water?


How does carbon move from the atmosphere to the oceans?

The oceans, and other bodies of water, soak up some carbon from the atmosphere.

What causes the tides in the oceans and other large bodies of water on earth?

the moon

Do all bodies of water conect?

All the oceans connect to each other. Most lakes are completely enclosed, and are separate from other bodies of water.

What ecosystems are aquatic?

Oceans, sea , rivers and other water bodies are the ecosystems that are referred to as aquatic. The ecosystems that are aquatic are freshwater and saltwater(marine).

Geographers study how people?

geographers study how people interact with each other

How do cartographerrs contribute to the work of other geographers?

Cartographers provide the maps that geographers use.

What is a collection of water?

I think it is water collected in lakes, ponds, oceans, or other bodies of water.

Is a river considered a body of water?

Rivers are considered a body of water. Some other examples of bodies of water are oceans, lakes, ponds, as well as brooks.

Why do geographers use other fields of study?

Geographers use other fields of study to determine the relevance of how other events affect the geography of a certian area.

Other than Earth what 2 bodies in solar system could harbor life?

Europa, a moon of Jupiter - could have oceans of salt water.Titan, a moon of Saturn - could have oceans of liquid ammonia or water.

What is the bald eagle's habitat?

The Bald Eagle prefers habitats near seacoasts, rivers, large lakes, oceans, and other large bodies of open water.