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Typically Asexual, where the offspring is idenical to the parent (budding, fission) and Sexual, when offspring shares genetic material of the two parents.

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Q: What are the patterns of reproduction among organisms?
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The answer is reproduction, which is the natural process among organisms by which new individuals are generated and the species perpetuated.

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Sexual reproduction?

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Explain how short and long life history patterns differ?

The definition of life-history patter is: an organism's pattern of reproduction; may be rapid or slow (short or long). Short (rapid) life-history patterns are common among organisms from changeable environments. Rapid life-history organisms have a small body size, mature quickly, reproduce early, and have a short life span. Long (short) life-history patterns are large species that live in more stable environments that usually have slow life-history patterns. Elephants, bears, whales, humans, and plants, such as trees are long lived.

Budding is a type of?

Budding is a type of reproduction in organisms. Budding is a form of asexual reproduction that happens in simple organisms.

What organisms did Sutton study?

The organisms that Sutton studied are asexual andf sexual reproduction. The organisms that Sutton studied are asexual andf sexual reproduction.

A group of organisms that produce offspring like themselves?

Sexual reproduction allows for organisms to reproduce and pass on their traits.

This is some barrier to reproduction among a species of organisms It often results in genetic change over time and the development of new species?

reproductive isolation