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Q: What are the photopigment structures responsible for the ability to see colors?
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Related questions

Alcohol can reduce your ability to distinguish between two colors. What are these colors?

Alcohol can reduce your ability to distinguish colours, especially red and green.

What colors are responsible for making a horse black?


What colors your blood?

Iron is mainly responsible for the colour red.

How the primary colors of light differ from the primary pigment colors?

The primary colors of light are the photon structures independent of the material, which function as a basis for the other colors, while the pigment colors are those that acquire certain materials and that combine to give rise to other colors.

What colors are the uniforms of Swiss guard's who are responsible for the popes safety uniforms who are responsible for the popes safety?

Orange and blue

What type of elements are responsible for the colors of firework's?

The colors of fireworks are largely the result of the burning of tiny particles of metallic elements.

What couler was allosaurus?

Allosaurus is only known from fossilized bones, which don't preserve the color of an animal. In fact, we don't know the colors of most extinct animals. However, the fossilized feathers of some small dinosaurs have preserved the structures responsible for color, and by examining these fossils under a microscope, paleontologists can determine the colors of these dinosaurs. A few dinosaurs whose colors have been discovered include Anchiornis, Sinosauropteryx, and Confuciusornis.

Plant structure that is Responsible for the varying colors of leaves that abound in nature?


How does reflection and absorption play a role in our ability to see colors?

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Which company was responsible for Santa Claus being dressed in the colors red?

The company Coca Cola Changed Santa from the colors green to red

Where do flowers get their colors?

Flowers get their specific colors from genetic traits passed on by its parent flower. The pigments that supply flowers with the ability to harbor colors are called anthocyanins.

What is adapt to environment?

Their ability to change colors allows them to camouflage themselves by blending into the background.