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If you cut an apple and keep, the colour changes to brown. This is physical change.

Apple has iron (in the form of ferrous salts). The colour is due to the formation of harmful ferric compounds and this is a chemical change (conversion of ferrous to ferric).

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9y ago

There are many physical and chemical changes that occur as a fruit ripens. The physical include becoming soft and tender and the chemical changes include change in the color of the skin.

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Because ripening involve chemical reactions.

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Chemical change.

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Q: What are the physical and chemical changes of an apple?
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Is slicing an apple is a chemical change or a physical change?

This is a physical change. You only change the shape and size of an apple by slicing it. Chemical changes would mean changing the molecular composition of the apple.

Is changing color of apple a chemical or physical change?

An apple turning brown is a CHEMICAL change.

Is eating an apple a physical or chemical change?

Eating an apple is both chemical and physical. By biting and chewing the apple you are causing a physical change in the apples general structure- nothing chemical. But when you swallow the apple and your stomach acid breaks down the apple and absorbs nutrients you are exerting a chemical change.

Cooking an apple is chemical or physical change?

cooking an apple is causing a physical change because in a physical change, the IDENTITY of the substance never changes. (identity=atomic makeup. in a chemical change, the IDENTITY does change, due to a chemical reaction. because there is no change in the identity of the apple, baking it is a physical change

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There are no physical changes. there are only chemical changes.

Is an apple turning brown physical change?

It is both physical and chemical change as it changes its appearance , and it results in a new substance also

Is an apple turning brown a physical or chemical?

An apple turning brown is both a chemical and a physical change. Physically it changes appearance by turning brown. Chemically it oxidizes when the air comes in contact with the enzymes and chemicals in the fruit.

Are state changes chemical or physical changes?

Physical Changes

Are all physical changes accompanied by chemical changes?

Not all chemical changes are accompanied by a visible physical change. Most chemical changes however will be accompanied by a physical change.

Is digesting an apple an physical or chemical change?

The digestion of food through the alimentary canal involve a series of chemical and physical changes. In the example of pizza its bread component undergoes chemical changes as it is digested by amylase enzymes in saliva. Other chemical changes include hydrochloric acid of the stomach "attacking" and digesting proteins found in the pizza.

Is an apple cut a chemical or physical change?

Cutting an apple is a physical change

Chemical changes can be reserved by physical change?

No, chemical changes can only be reversed by chemical means, not by physical means.