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Homeopathy is based on the philosophy that the body, mind and emotions are not really separate and distinct, but are actually fully integrated. Based on this perspective, a homeopath seeks a remedy that fits all of a patient's physical and psychological symptoms. Although some people's symptoms may be complex, a well-trained homeopath will know which symptoms should be specially noted, and can choose an effective, individualized remedy.

Prolonged emotional stress can cause physical problems, like upset stomach, difficulty in digesting foods, poor nutrient assimilation, weaker immune system, sleeplessness, etc. The opposite is also true. Illness and physical problems can result in anxiety or emotional uneasiness. Therefore, it is important for a homeopath to conduct an in-depth interview of a patient to ensure a proper, all encompassing remedy. Homeopathy believes that a person's experience in emotional (emotions are closely related to person's glands and nerves) and mental (state of mind) life can not be separated from their physical complaints. Homeopathic physicians take physical as well as mental (state of the mind) symptoms. Thus homeopathic medicines act on body and mind level, and can cure mental and emotional disturbed states.

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Q: What are the physical mental and emotional aspects of homeopathy?
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