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Q: What are the physical properties of non metals How are these properties different than the physical properties of metals?
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What are physical properties used to identify nonmetal?

The properties of nonmetals also tend to vary more from and element to element than do the properties of the metals

When do the physical and chemical properties change?

Physical and chemical properties change as the result of a chemical change, which produces new products with different physical and chemical properties than the reactants.

What properties do non metals have in common?

Elements that are classified as non-metals are characterized by a tendency to undergo chemical reactions in which they acquire electrons; this compares to metals which tend to lose electrons. In slightly more technical terms, this means that non-metals are oxidizing agents and metals are reducing agents; when you mix metals and non-metals together, they tend to react with each other, in what is sometimes called a redox reaction (reduction and oxidation). Other than that, non-metals are generally softer (or gaseous) and less shiny than metals are, they generally do not conduct electricity as well as metals do, they do not have the silvery color of metals.

Do all nonmetals have some similar physical properties?

Non-metals are much more diverse than metals, however, they all have some similar physical properties. Non-metals are not good conductors of heat or electricity. Solids are usually brittle, non-ductile, not shiny, and at least partially transparent or translucent.

Is silicon a metalliod?

Yes...It shows some properties similar to metals, some to non-metals, and some totally different than these two..!!

Why is magnesium a metal?

magnesium is not a metal but a reactive metal. scientists have divided all elements into two types of category: metals and non-metals to classify them as they have different chemical and physical properties. magnesium has properties of a metal so it is a metal.

What properties identify metals?

A wide variety of elements fall under the classification of non metals and have different properties. In contrast to metals, though, they are worse conductors and are dull in their solid state. They also tend to have lower densities and lower boiling points than metals.

Are there any metals that have different properties than other metals?

Each metal has its own specific set of properties. Some metals are better conductors than others. Some metals have higher melting temperatures than others, there is even a metal that is in a liquid state at room temperature, that metal is called Mercury. Same metals are more malleable than others. They also differ in weights, in density.

What properties identify non metals?

A wide variety of elements fall under the classification of non metals and have different properties. In contrast to metals, though, they are worse conductors and are dull in their solid state. They also tend to have lower densities and lower boiling points than metals.

What statement can be made when compairing the chemical and physical properties between a compound and the elements from which it is formed?

The chemical and physical properties of a compound are different than those of the elements from which it is formed.

What action will result in product with chemical properties?

A chemical reaction will result in a product with not only chemical properties (which are different than the reactants), but also physical properties (which are also different from the reactants).

What are characteristic properties of alkaline earth metals?

they are harder than alkali metals