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an abnormal accumulation of fatty pads in the face (creating the distinctive "moon face" of Cushing's syndrome); in the trunk (termed "truncal obesity"); and over the upper back and the back of the neck

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Q: What are the physical symptoms of Cushing's syndrome?
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A test that administers dexamethasone to differentiate between normal and cushings Normals will be suppressed then return to normal with a low dose of dexamethasone. Affected will be suppressed with a high dose of dexamethasone

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The symptoms include both physical symptoms, such as breast tenderness, back pain , abdominal cramps, headache , and changes in appetite; behavioral symptoms such as clumsiness

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Common physical problems include corneal clouding, heart abnormalities, and orthopedic difficulties involving the hands and back

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Cushings syndrome or Cushings disease is generally caused by a tumor on the pituitary gland and results metabolic disorders such as insulin resistance, obesity, diabetes, long hair coat, laminitis etc depending on the animal.

What is the meaning of the word 'syndrome'?

syndrome: a set of physical and/or mental problems that when taken together, indicate a disease. I've also seen it defined as a cluster of symptoms that indicate an impairment.

How do you recognize Asperger's Syndrome?

If you are trying to recognize Asperger's Syndrome (AS) in yourself, look at a list of symptoms at one of the websites on the condition or the WikiAnswers question on signs and symptoms of Asperger's Syndrome. If you decide it is likely that you have AS and want a formal diagnosis, find a psychiatrist who has experience diagnosing AS. If you are trying to recognize Asperger's Syndrome in someone else, it might not be possible unless you know the person well. Again, you can determine whether it is a likely possibility by looking at a list of symptoms. There are no physical appearance characteristics that indicate autism or Asperger's Syndrome. The only physical appearance characteristic that sometimes is mentioned is the tendency of some of them to look youthful.

What are the symptoms of Cri Du chat syndrome?

See cri-du-chat-syndrome-causes-and-symptoms

What is the medical term meaning Signs and symptoms that occur together?

syndrome.SYNDROME means Group of symptoms

What are the symptoms of Cinderella syndrome?

The symptoms of Cinderella syndrome are only usually listed as false accusations from the adopted children toward their adoptive stepmother. There are no other symptoms.