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Middle C is one ledger line below treble and one ledger line above bass.

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Q: What are the pitches common in both treble and bass clef?
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What clef does the play in?

The piano uses both the Treble clef (for higher pitches) and the Bass clef (for lower pitches). It plays in the key of C. Sometimes it is misinterpreted that the Treble clef is for the rigth hand and the Bass clef if for the left hand. This isn't true. Both hands can use the Treble clef or Bass clef, or even the right hand can use the Bass clef and the left hand can use the Treble clef.

What pitches are common in both treble and bass clef staffs?

The staves themselves don't have notes in common. The bottom line of the treble clef staff is E above middle C, and the top line of the bass clef staff is A below middle C. Theoretically, using leger lines, any note could be in common, but it might be hard to read.

Is the sousaphone played in bass clef or treble clef?

Sousaphone music can be transposed in both bass and treble clef

What key does a flute play in?

The piano uses both the Treble clef (for higher pitches) and the Bass clef (for lower pitches). It plays in the key of C. Sometimes it is misinterpreted that the Treble clef is for the rigth hand and the Bass clef if for the left hand. This isn't true. Both hands can use the Treble clef or Bass clef, or even the right hand can use the Bass clef and the left hand can use the Treble clef.

Is the harp treble clef or bass clef?

actually basses can play on three clefs bass clef, tenor clef, and treble clef, its rare for basses to use to treble but it is used when the notes get higher and higher. so they can play both but mostly bass clef

What is a Staff created by both the BASS STAFF and the TREBLE STAFf?

The Grand Staff

What instrument plays the bass notes?

If you are referencing the "bass clef" as notes, then there are several instruments:cellobassvioletrombonetubapiano (can play both treble and bass clef)

Does the accordion play bass clef?

Yes. Accordion music is like piano music because it uses both the treble and the bass clef. Usually, you play the notes in the treble clef with the right hand and the notes in the bass clef with the left hand.

Lower sounding instruments read their notes in the?

Bass Clef Mostly. Some however, still use the treble clef.NOTE: The viola uses the viola clef and the piano/keyboard uses both treble and bass.

When reading music for the piano the treble clef is played with the right hand True or False?

Usually this is the case But sometimes both hands can be in Treble or Bass clef So, the answer is both true and false

If you play a treble clef instrument can you switch to bass clef?

The bass clarinet is pitched exactly an octave lower than the 'soprano' clarinet. Because of this, discounting octaves, it sounds a major second lower than the notation (so the music will show C when concert-pitch Bb is wanted.)There are two notation systems used for bass clarinet. One is very common, while the other is used by some later German composers and Eastern European/former-soviet composers.The first, called "french notation" uses the treble clef, and the bass clarinet fingerings are identical, note-for-note, to the common 'soprano' instrument. The pitches produced by the bass instrument are therefore an octave and a whole tone lower than the notation.The second uses the bass clef, and the sound produced by the bass clarinet is only a whole tone lower than the notation. If the part gets high, the notation may switch to treble clef to avoid ledgerlines, and in this case, the notes produced by the bass clarinet should be, still, only a whole tone lower than the notation. This can be a point of confusion, but usually, when the treble clef is used this way, the music either starts with or ends with bass clef notation.Tenor and alto clef are not used for the bass clarinet.So the correct answer is, Both!I have been playing the Bass clarinet for three years, and have only had music in the treble clef.

What clef does the marimba play in?

Usually a marimba, played with 2 mallets it is written in treble cleff. When playing with four mallets, usually the part for the right hand is written in treble cleff, and the part for the left hand is written in bass clef