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Baleen plates are used by baleen whales to filter krill out of a mouthful of sea water.

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Q: What are the plates called in a whales mouth?
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How does whale gets it food?

Whales get their food by actively hunting it or by simply passing through large schools of it. Baleen whales eat tons of krill by filtering it out of the water using filter plates in their mouth.

How do humpbacks eat?

they open there mouth and suck all of the water in so they can eat plankton. humpback whales swallow water along with krill and prawn the size of a thumbHumpback whales have baleen plates. They eat by straining their food through these plates.

What plate do whales use to collect food?

Baleen plates - which are made out of a protein called keratin. Baleen whales have several hundred baleen plates that they use to filter their food from the sea water.

Does having no teeth cause a problem for the whales?

Many whales do have teeth; that is why they are called toothed whales. Baleen whales don't need teeth because their baleen plates filter out the plankton they eat.

What type of the 2 whales called that have a comb shaped inside of the mouth?

Baleen whales, or Mysticeti. There are fifteen species, not two.

What do whales breathe out of?

Whales breathe in and out of their blowhole. They are unable to breathe through their mouth because the trachea is not attached to the throat.

What marine mammals have comb-like plates for capturing food?

The mammals are the baleen whales. The combs within its mouth are used to rake tiny krill from seawater. Some baleen whales are the bowhead whale and the gray whale.

How do whales eat plankton?

Whales that eat plankton have things called baleen plates. They are fleshy plates covered in hairs. the whale approaches the swimming plankton with an open mouth and then closes its mouth. The whale then pushes the water out with its tongue while the baleen traps the krill. The whale then consumes the krill without having to swallow all of the seawater. Some whales do and some whales don't like the killer whale eats meat and other fish etc but whales for example the blue whale only eat plankton.

What is in a killer whales mouth that helps it eat?

The killer whales mouth is armed with sharply pointed teeth.

Where is the hair on whales located?

in their mouth and back and bottom of mouth

Do killer whale eat plankton?

no killer whales do not eat plankton because they lack special teeth called baleen plates.

What does whales with teeth eat?

Toothless whales, also called baleen whales, eat small marine organisms called zooplankton that occur in huge numbers in the ocean. When feeding, these whales open up their mouths and take in huge gulps of both zooplankton and water. The water is filtered through the baleen "plates" that act like colanders to let the water out and the zooplankton stays behind in the whales mouth. The zooplankton are then swallowed. They can eat from 5 to eight tons of zooplankton per day!